Just Write

Just Write

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Saving Private Billy

War. War is the event that has been going on since the sight of power. There is no denying it, our world has changed because of it. As I continue through Slaughterhouse-Five I understand more on Billy’s experience in the frontline. I have to agree with the English prisoner that gave Billy the morphine of how it’s the children that are left to pay for the consequences of the adults, in this case the soldiers because of politicians. For the ruling powers which declare wars, these events are just games to them, to show who has the better swing.

I would like to relate this to the movie “Saving Private Ryan” in a specific scene where Captain John Miller’s squadron is sent to find private Ryan and are sorting out the fallen soldier’s dog tags to see if his name is there. What is so special about that scene is that to the soldiers sorting out the tags its just like a game to them while wounded young soldiers are walking beside them shamed at them. This relates of how politicians don’t have to worry about dying and just have to “deal” the squadrons to the battlefield.
Further more, I have just read half way through chapter 5 and I have to say I would like to just finish the book in another sitting. 

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