Just Write

Just Write

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Miracles? Bloody Hands.

Isn't it funny when you meet a relative or a friend in another place that you had no idea of meeting them there? Well Candide just found one in his adventures on the other side of the planet. After all his misfortunes he had finally found a miracle. Or was it?

After all the traveling and enemies Candide experienced, the audience should of guessed that only bad luck revolved around him in the novel. "'Can this really be you?' said the Colonel.
'This is beyond the bounds of possibility!' said Candide. They both fell back in amazement, and then embraced each other and burst into tears."
The way Voltaire describes how both Candide and The Colonel, his brother-in-law, meet each other after so escaping death and torture gives the audience the thought that things have changed direction of luck for the main character. But this was deceiving. After a couple of seconds, Candide explains his experiences and how he wants Lady Cunégonde, the Colonels sister, as a wife. This acted like a trigger to a bomb. Suddenly like a blink of an eye, their mood changes. The Colonel was not happy with Candide's metion of marrying Lady Cunegonde. "We shall see about that, you rascal ,' said the Jesuit Baron von Thunder-ten-tronckh; and with those words he struck him across the face with the flat of his swords."(pg. 67) With instinct, Candide kills the Colonel because he refused to give Lady Cunegénde's hand for marriage. Now why would he instantly kill someone that could of saved his destiny.

Just as in Shakespeare's Macbeth, Candide can't believe he has killed three men for the love of Lady Cunégonde and senses his "bloody hands" will never be clean again. Will Candide do anything more for his love's sake? Will there be a twist to the story from now on? All this I hope to answer when I continue Voltaire's Candide. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Manuel,

    I found what you say very interesting as I hadn't taken that perspective and reflected about the changes of direction the plot takes. As I read your blog post it came to my mind that maybe Candide and his brother-in-law met so happily to mock how he was optimistic and failed to see what was going to happen.

    1. I as well found this very intresting. You manage to portray candide like a spolied brat that kills anybody that doesnt give him what he wants. I could not help make a connection to the new Walking Dead episode and how it ends. The mood changes were very similar and you coud argue that Rick and his people could have benefited from the union.
