Just Write

Just Write

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

The Cry of Victory

The end of Slaughterhouse-Five was no disappointment. Answering questions and hinting even more qualities of Billy, I just stood up and clapped, well mostly in my mind. 

The description of the bombing of Dresden was very interesting, it left me surprised to see how it influenced the story. Even better I finally could connect the dots that compared Billy and Kurt Vonnegut. Both were sent to the army young and unexperienced, they had felt great lose for loved ones, the different ways they portray life with different theories such as the Tralfamadorian way of life. They were real eye openers for me. One can see the true meaning of life in other peoples eyes. The way Billy hides from his mother to not show his hate for life. With the different behaviors of different characters throughout the book one can observe life´s purpose. The book is a world of connections. 

Ending the book in a way that left much analyzing to do, was spectacular.  ¨Poo-tee-weet¨ was the ending. My class discussed the meaning of this word. A bird´s cry  meant that there was nothing left, just the aftermath of human actions. ¨There is nothing intelligent to say after a massacre¨. After countless ¨So it Goes¨ I have enjoyed the book. You just need to wait for the door to go unlocked. 

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